Friday 7 December 2012

Most Important Online Marketing Trends For Year 2013

Lets talk about ‘online marketing’ and ‘digital experience’, because to me they are one and the same. Just like customer experiences your brand, your visitors experiences your marketing. You are either giving them a phenomenal experience, or you aren’t. If you do, people will come, they will stay, they will engage, they will convert to sale, they will have long term relationships with your company. So here are some trends :

Zero Moment of Truth
The Zero Moment of Truth is when your online visitor chooses to love you or hate you. It happens in a split second and it can make or break your chances of success. 

Quick Marketing
Don’t wait for your CMO to crash through your office door and tell you you’re going to adopt agile marketing. Go agile now. Agile marketing is absolutely the only way to manage marketing in a constantly shifting, highly connected digital world.

Content is king
We’ve been saying it since the birth of the internet, but it’s more true today. It’s all about content. To win in 2013 your content strategy should move from passive to active.

Be mobile
Not later today. Not tomorrow. Right now. According to Gartner, in 2013 mobile phones will overake PCs as the most common web access device worldwide.

Social marketing responsibility
Brands need to wake up and realize they can’t hand off responsibility for their social experience to third-party sites. Listening to a radio spot the other day for a major household brand I was shocked (shocked, I tell ya), that the call to action on their ad was to visit them at
Wha? They are paying to drive their audience to another site. A site they don’t control. A site that could change the rules about that /brandname page on a whim. It’s like advertising for someone else.
Of course there is tremendous value in building our social audience & engagement, but we have to be more thoughtful about how we do it.

It’s a highly personal world, and people expect to be VIPs (hence, the availability now of M&M candy with your name & photo on each piece!). Digital experiences can, and should be, personal. Depending upon context & appropriateness, there are varying degrees by which you can transform a generic digital experience into a more personal one. 

Data, data, data
Oh my. With all the emphasis on big data, you might be surprised to hear I still talk to marketers who don’t know their little data all that well. Keep tabs on the online metrics that matter to your business, understand how they relate to your overall business performance. - Daily Income 1.5% for 100 days, 10 Impression Points per adport, Direct Referral 5% (Unlimited Depth),   Binary Commission 10% (Unlimited Depth), Minimum Investment and payout 20$